It is important that we know how we can protect our work from being used without our consent - or, on the flip side, we want to let others know that they can share and use our work.
Creative Commons and the importance of licenses
Creative Commons was created for authors (also called
licensors) to grant copyright permissions to their creative
work, and provide the recipients a regulated way of
knowing what authors desire regarding the usage of their material.
Licenses in STEM discoveries: Can everything be licensed?
There are ethical rules regarding the licenses and copyrights. For example: should we allow copyrights when modifying DNA chains? Or, in the field of pharmaceutics, after discovering a new type of medication, which was expensive for a private company to develop but could save lives if it was publicly available?
My contribution:
In my opinion, we must respect other people's work. We have to mention the source of everything we use and respect the creative common copyrights. As for what I believe should be free, should be the information about the Health and the Education. We should teach our students to respect the work of other and when they want to use pictures or other digital stuff, they should make a research in Public Domain or Attribution CC BY.
This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.
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